
 Here is the list of wonderful authors that are donating to this compilation...

S.E. Kloos
Laura Braley 
S.A. McAuley
Casey Robbins
C. Lloyd Brill
D.K. Cassidy
Mika Sugano
S.M. Lowry
Shannon McLoud
Maria Sauerbrei
Chasity Nicole
Michael Mill

Collaboration story by:
Cullensgirl89 & CloeMarrie

Here is the list of awesome beta's to make your story look all pretty. Simply click on their name and you'll be put in direct contact with them via email. 

Dinia Steel - please, no slash stories
Dara Rochlin - no restrictions
Diane Riggins - no restrictions

*Please keep in mind these kickass ladies are donating their time to help any one that needs them. Be respectful of that and remember the longer your story, the longer it will take to beta. 

Need a banner/cover for your submission? Here is the list of the amazing artists that have signed up.

cotnut - no listed restrictions
Mika Sugano - Covers, layout, design, photography, typography/ No illustration of drawing

Looking for someone to look over your work before it goes to a beta? Here are some willing pre-readers.

Cotnut - no listed restrictions
Cloemarrie - no listed restrictions

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